Tuesday, November 10, 2009


For me, to nest is to convert wherever you are living into a home. A home is…well, a home is something different for everybody. My home tells a little about my story and perspective, reflects my values and interests, and illustrates the things and people I love. My hope is that in my home I’ve created a place that is inviting, interesting and comfortable. This is a lifelong process and an intriguing venture to create the world you want within the walls of your home. Here are some pictures that I scanned in from library books sometime in 2003. I don’t know what books they are from, unfortunately (and I’m not going to make a habit of this). Throughout the last ten years I’ve been scanning and clipping images of my favorite interiors and home making ideas, here are a few…

A page from an "idea" journal I started in 2006. I think the images are from Domino and a Ralph Lauren Paint flyer.

Big door, open inviting space.

If I had stairs they would be these...

or these.
I love interesting ways of shelving and the creative use of space.

mural for a headboard...yes please
cool collection
