Friday's Little Bean Party was pure happiness for me.

I'm so glad that my girls, hubby and sister-in-law got to be there. I'm also so grateful to my friends who came out to support me and soak in the aforementioned coolness of Little Bean and its creators. I always love meeting new people and it was great to meet a fellow Nasher addict, Joslyn of Simply Lovely. Joslyn helped create the spread for the night, complete with a Aspen bark center piece that I especially liked (although it made me long for the beauty of those tall, slender autumn quakies).

photo by Grant Skousen, right brain activist
Also, this weekend I got to go to our local White Rock Arts festival with my purse toting 7 year old daugther. Of course I was curious about the festival and wanted to expose my daughter to local artist but I really went to seek out my friend Marianne Gargour. We met through our daughter's basketball team a year ago and I've been trying to get to one of her shows ever since. I love this woman and her work. I feel so fortunate that I've been able to take one of her painting classes. She is a fabulous teacher and inspiring to watch paint. I can't tell you how happy I am to have one of her original works, which I LOVE, in my home.
All the creative mojo of this weekend makes me think of a FABULOUS documentary I saw about a year ago.

Who Does She Think She Is? is probably the most inspiring documentary I've seen. It makes me think of all the beautiful courageous women I know striving to balance their lives, their loves and follow their hearts. Find a way to see this film, check your library, if they don't have it request that they get it.