Go to Half Price Books... get the girls some bookage for the trip and life.

Ignore all the cool design sponge holiday decor ideas and release myself from any need to make something crafty wafty.

Send out Christmas cards TODAY! We have never done it because I always end up in an overwhelmed ball on the floor with all my half-baked, stupidly ambitious ideas for the most-creative-christmas-card-ever spread out all over the house. This year we bought cards and my hubby is writing in each one for me because I always want to write extremely long, personal love notes to each person (basically I have a problem shutting up in person or in letter and that takes WAY to much time). I was only able to let go of making cards this year because we have a GREAT photo of the girls thanks to this fine fellow. Thank you Steven Visneau you made the Christmas cardness possible.
Time with the man I love. I miss him when I'm in crazy mode and I know he misses the un-frenzied me. I gotta slow down and remember who I really want to be with and what I want to be doing and let everything else go.