We spent last weekend with some good friends at the closest beach to Dallas. We closed our eyes and plugged our ears and chanted nah nah nah nah all the way pass the oil refineries right into the best little gulf beach that could, Surfside Texas.
These are pictures of my girls and their sweet friends too early in morning running around on the beach in their lovely white nightgowns. I LOVE seeing them dance around in these twirly bits of cotton sleepiness.
Thanks for stopping by. I'm Sarah and NED is my little spot to chronicle the art, designs, people and places that interest and excite me. I also post about design work I'm doing and the inspiration behind my projects. I am the primary caregiver of my two girls, my man, and my dog--which I'm sure qualifies me for some manner of governmental subsidy and/or a large trophy. I welcome any inquires and comments via email.